
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Strategies, Protocols and Case Studies

June 19, 2024


1m 33s


On June 6, the International Hyperbaric Medicine and Research Association (IHMERA), in collaboration with Biobarica, developed a virtual symposium to deepen and discuss the importance of incorporating hyperbaric oxygen into medical practice. This event, entitled "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Strategies, Protocols and Case Studies", brought together three leading specialists from the United States to share their knowledge and experiences.


Randy Vawdrey, specialist in neurocognitive diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, and medical director of A Mind for All Seasons, focused his dissertation on the benefits of hyperbaric treatment to treat and reduce the progression of neurodegenerative pathologies. His presentation was highly praised by the participants due to his great interest in this topic and the clinical cases he presented, showing this therapy's effectiveness in improving patients' quality of life.


Dr. Elizabeth Sierakowski, medical director of Essential Health, with a triple background in family, integrative and functional medicine, addressed the importance of including hyperbaric treatment in current protocols. She highlighted its ability to reduce recovery times and provide optimal recovery through non-invasive treatments that work adjuvantly with other therapies. He also presented a series of clinical cases and scientific evidence supporting the benefits of medium-pressure hyperbaric therapy, highlighting its potential in advanced lifestyle medicine, cellular nutrition, gut health, hormone balancing and anti-aging.


Chris Pepitone, owner and chiropractor of Pure Health Services, focused his presentation on various techniques and therapies to slow aging and improve mitochondrial health. He described methods such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, cold exposure, infrared saunas, and fasting, explaining how each of these can induce beneficial adaptive responses in the body, thereby improving cellular function and mitigating the effects of aging.


The event concluded with a round of questions, allowing participants to interact directly with the speakers and clarify various concerns. The symposium had great attendance and repercussions within the medical field. Biobarica actively collaborates with IHMERA in developing this type of event, understanding the importance of opening spaces for debate, training, and, above all, showing scientific evidence about hyperbaric oxygen's effectiveness. This medical treatment of high therapeutic efficacy is essential for current medical practice, and it is crucial to work on its dissemination so that it reaches the offices of all professionals and becomes a reality for patients who need it.

We invite you to relive this event by clicking here.



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