
Medium Pressure Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Benefits for Fibromyalgia Treatment

June 19, 2024


1m 51s


Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome characterized by generalized pain in multiple points of the body, often accompanied by fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive dysfunction and depressive symptoms. This condition, which affects mostly women, represents a significant challenge in medicine due to its complexity and resistance to many conventional treatments.


A recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in BMJ Open has shed light on the efficacy and safety of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for the treatment of fibromyalgia. HBOT is a noninvasive therapy performed in pressurized chambers where patients breathe pure oxygen at pressures above atmospheric.


The meta-analysis included studies using hyperbaric chambers with pressures ranging from 1.45 to 2.5 ATA. The results showed that hyperbaric therapy is effective in relieving pain in patients with fibromyalgia, with a significant effect size (SMD=-1.56, 95% CI (-2.18 to -0.93), p<0.001). This pain relief is largely due to the strong anti-inflammatory potential of hyperbaric therapy, which reduces glial cell activation and inflammatory mediators.


In addition, HBOT improves mitochondrial dysfunction in fibromyalgia patients, leading to positive changes in brain metabolism and glial function. These changes may reduce abnormal brain activities associated with fibromyalgia, providing comprehensive symptom relief.


The study highlights the identification of medium pressure (less than 2.0 ATA) as a safe and effective option. This pressure range is effective in relieving pain and improving other symptoms such as fatigue, tenderness and sleep disturbances, and minimizes the risk of adverse effects. The adverse events observed were reversible and not serious, highlighting the safety of this therapy at moderate pressure.


Medium-pressure HBOT has also shown benefits in multidimensional patient function, including improvements in mobility, ability to perform daily activities, and reduction in overall disease perception. Improved sleep quality, another important benefit, contributes significantly to the patient's overall wellness, as restful sleep is crucial for the recovery and management of chronic pain.


Fatigue, one of the most debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia, has also been reduced with the use of medium-pressure hyperbaric oxygen. This may be due to improved tissue oxygenation and optimization of mitochondrial function, which improve energy and decrease general fatigue.


Pain point tenderness, a distinctive characteristic of fibromyalgia, shows a marked reduction with the application of this therapy. The ability of hyperbaric oxygen to decrease inflammation and improve central nervous system response plays a crucial role in reducing tenderness and pain.


In summary, this study shows that HBOT offers multiple benefits for fibromyalgia patients, improving not only pain, but also overall quality of life through reduced fatigue, improved sleep, and decreased tenderness. These findings suggest that medium-pressure hyperbaric oxygenation therapy should be considered as a viable and safe option within the multidisciplinary approach to the management of fibromyalgia.


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